About us
The Hilverda Foundation was established in 2009, with the aim of supporting vulnerable children in countries where the Royal Hilverda Group is active. We support small-scale educational projects. By helping underprivileged children complete an education, we put them in a position to find paid employment later and then support their own communities.
We support educational projects in the Netherlands, Kenya, India and Colombia. We only support small projects, so it’s always clear how our donations are spent.
Our team
The board of the Hilverda Foundation consists of (from left to right): Alexander Marijnissen (treasurer), Rosanne Hilverda, Karen Hilverda (chair), Barbara Eveleens, Karina Eveleens (secretary) en Jan-Jorrit Eveleens.
Please feel free to contact us!

The Hilverda Foundation has set itself the goal of supporting vulnerable children in countries where the Royal Hilverda Group is active, including the Netherlands, Kenya, India and Colombia. By helping underprivileged children with funding so they can complete an education, we put them in a position to find paid employment later and then support their own communities.
The board maintains close contact with the contact people at the various foundations we work with, and keeps track of the progress of the projects we support. We maintain personal contact with the students we sponsor. Whenever possible, board members take part in activities to raise awareness of the foundation’s goals, and to recruit new donors and funds. The board meets once every quarter.
Donations & fundraising
The foundation was established in 2009 with donations from business relations and customers in honour of the 100th anniversary of the Hilverda Group, to whom the predicate royal was granted and thus became the Royal Hilverda Group. Since being established in 2009, the foundation has received annual donations from the Royal Hilverda Group. In 2019, the management of the foundation was transferred from Jan Hilverda to the current board, which is now working to recruit new donors and sponsors. Agreements can be made with companies or individuals interested in becoming donors on the specific allocation of their donations, provided that this is in line with the foundation’s objectives. In addition to structural donations, there are incidental donations and proceeds from campaigns.
Management & utilisation of donations
The foundation has a current account for regular and occasional donations and payments. The foundation holds no capital, and therefore does not hold a savings account. A financial statement is prepared annually and posted on the website.
Remuneration policy
The foundation’s board performs its activities entirely without remuneration. All work on behalf of the foundation is also performed by third parties without remuneration. Any money remaining after the foundation has been wound up will be donated to a foundation/charity with a similar aim, or to a foreign charitable institution working with a similar aim, for example one of our partners.