Retrospective 2023

It’s December again… time to look back on the past year, because the Hilverda Foundation has grown enormously over the past year! In Kenya, we have been able to help nine additional children and young people return to primary or secondary school in 2023, plus one student to start further education. That brings the total number of children and young people we support in Kenya to 18, isn’t that great? We hope to continue to do this until they have all completed higher education and can provide for themselves. In India we now help ten children to follow an education and in Colombia eight young people to follow a study. We have also entered into a partnership with the Dutch Foundation “Studiezalen”, which offers underprivileged children in the Netherlands the space and guidance to learn and develop optimally. The Hilverda Foundation provides a contribution for three Dutch children in primary school and three in secondary school. For more information about all our projects and partners in Kenya, India, Colombia and the Netherlands, you can of course visit this website, under the heading ‘projects‘. 

In addition, we would like to bring Doelshop to your attention again during this festive and gift month. For those who have read this before and are already using it: thank you very much! For those who don’t know Doelshop yet: will you please read along? Doelshop’s mission is to redistribute part of the commercial profits of large companies to charities. This is a very easy way for the Hilverda Foundation to generate additional income on a structural basis! Would you like to help with this? This is very easy, just when you were already planning to go shopping! It is possible at hundreds of web shops, including, Amazon, AliExpres, Coolblue, HEMA, Mediamarkt, Action and so on. It goes like this:


1. Go to

2. Go to the goals overview and search ‘Hilverda Foundation’ 

3. Click on ‘choose this goal’

4. Find the webshop where you want to make purchases

5. Click on ‘shop now’ and ‘go to webshop’ (note: donating only works via the browser, not in the app – if you also have an app from this webshop)

6. Once you have paid, a few percent of your paid amount will be transferred to the Hilverda Foundation account without you noticing!

Every little bit helps and so the more people do this, the more children we can help with an education. All that remains is to thank you for your involvement with the Foundation over the past year and to wish everyone very happy holidays! Hopefully we will see you in 2024!


The board of the Hilverda Foundation

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